I`m A Celebrity Bush Tucker Trial Challenge Fun Edible Food Family Game Offical

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Spin the wheel and eat whatever the arrow lands on. Will it be a bug or a jelly bean? Bush Grub products are made with real insects that have been dried out and prepared for your edible pleasure.

Host your own bush tucker trial next time I�m A Celebrity� Get Me Out Of Here is on the TV with one of these official tasty bug treats.

The box includes a spinner split into six areas as well as six pots of edible treats. Things start simple, with puffed rice and jelly beans, but quickly escalate to chillis, mealworms, crickets and even locusts!

Party game for two to six players. The first person to eat one item from all six pots wins (but do you have the stomach to chomp on a real locust to take first place

Officially licenced I�m A Celebrity� Get Me Out Of Here product.

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