Aftercut All in One Lawn Feed Weed & Moss Killer 5.44kg Grass Fertiliser

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This product is the ideal lawn fertiliser to use for lawns with weed and moss problems and it's triple action formula will green-up the lawn whilst controlling common weeds and moss

Effective against 12 types of weeds including common dandelions, Daisy's, white clover, creeping buttercup, ribwort plantain, self healing, mouse-ear chickweed, creeping cinquefoil, lesser trefoil, greater plantain, thyme leaved speedwell and birds foot trefoil

Children and pets need not be excluded from the treated area once the treatment has been watered in thoroughly and the area has dried

Use on established lawns from April to reap the benefits of a nice looking lawn during spring and summer seasons.

This pack will cover 170 m2 the equivalent of 17 car parking spaces

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