13L Garden Parasol Base Water Sand Fillable Stand Umbrella Sun Shade Outdoor Beach Patio Parasol Pole Holder (White)s | Parasol Umbrella Base | Plastic| Beach Patio Sun Shade | Fillable Stand | Multi-Use base | white | (White)

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Stable, fillable umbrella base with square plastic parasol base, can be filled with approx. 13L of water or sand and it provides required stability

This parasol base is the ideal solution for every garden, trip to the beach, picnic in the park or any occasion when you need to hide from the sun or rain. This plastic parasol holder is a practical and affordable way to keep your garden umbrella upright and shade you from the sun.

This lightweight parasol base, can be filled with water or sand. Either choice will increase its weight and improve stability to your umbrella, as long as you need it. After use or for winter, it can be emptied and easily stored. Pole tube is placed, at the bottom of the parasol base which safe space

This base comes with a plastic pipe part that can hold most parasols with a pole size from 18 to 25 mm. It is suitable for various parasols such as patio, market, table and many other outdoor umbrellas. It is an ideal choice for your terrace.

- The Base, comes with a neat opening cap, so you can fill with sand or water, to ensure that your parasol doesn't fly away in the winds - Heavy Duty Plastic Parasol Base Stand

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You're reviewing:13L Garden Parasol Base Water Sand Fillable Stand Umbrella Sun Shade Outdoor Beach Patio Parasol Pole Holder (White)s | Parasol Umbrella Base | Plastic| Beach Patio Sun Shade | Fillable Stand | Multi-Use base | white | (White)
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